Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Penguin’s Laws

Over the ages the world has added enough crappy laws.
Every person adds his own laws to the databank of the world.

So I decided to add few of my own laws.
Here are my laws.


Penguin’s First Law: The Law of Uniform Expenditure

The expenditure of a person on his girlfriend is a “dynamic” constant.

(Dynamic refers to the fact that it varies from person to person)
Now say your girlfriend is abroad.
You will try to call her up once a week. And spend ‘X’.
Say she moves to your nation but is in another state.
You will still call her, maybe once or twice a day and still spend ‘X’.
Now say she is in the same state but in another town/city.
You will still call her, but every second hour and still end up spending ‘X’.
Now let’s say she is in the same city as yours.
This time you will not call her. Instead all the ‘X’ will be spent on the petrol.


Penguin’s Second Law: The Law of Universal Pain

The pain in the entire universe is a constant.

Let’s take a customer of a bank.
To make his life easy, the bankers will have to experience a lot of pain and struggle a lot.
To make the banker’s life simpler, the software providers of bank have to put the fight.
Now the make their life simpler, the database side has to take the pain.
People use search engines over the web.
So the web has to be simplified and so has to be the search engines.
And this goes on.

So basically to makes the life of one person simple, the life of many others become complicated. The complexity and pain shifts from one person to other.


Nitin "Engineer" Prabhu said...

Penguin, you are simply amazing man!!!! I have to appreciate your energy and time to sit and think ad formulate penguin's laws and then even going an extra mile for proving them!!!!

S 4 Sandeep said...

Good one re :)